The valuation of a company not only allows for the determination of the most likely market value, but also measures the management’s efficiency and defines the policies and actions aimed at value creation. Interest in valuation can come from both owners and stockholders, as well as potential investors, creditors and financial institutions.

The value of a company or of its stocks and shares is key information in:

  • Sales procedures
  • Capital increases
  • Debt restructuring
  • Tax regulation and taxation
  • Succession processes or partner exit

As accredited valuation experts with national and international qualifications, we bring our experience when assessing shareholder packages and debt instruments valuation directly or indirectly related to possible transactions between stockholders and investors.

Our work in the field specialises in the input of valuable opinions as independent experts, as well as complementary reports (Fairness Opinion). Other scopes and aims to be highlighted should be tax and legal purposes valuation and those resulting from the implementation of accounting regulations.

Depending on the company’s characteristics, the outcome of the valuation and the customer’s needs, the following methodologies can be applied:

  • Discounted Cash Flow (income approach)
  • Analysis of similar companies’ ratios (market approach)
  • Analysis of similar companies’ transactions (market approach)
  • Asset’s net worth value adjusted with the valuation of balance sheet assets (cost and market approach)


  • Chief Financial Officers
  • Tax advisers
  • Legal advisers
  • Auditors
  • Investment Funds
  • Family Office
  • Venture Capital

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