Rights in Rem are granted on behalf of owners with absolute ownership over their assets that are temporarily handing over their immediate and direct power over something. The most common cases are those linked to real estate and the formulas most employed are the Administrative Concessions, Surface Rights or those including the concept of financial leasing as a hybrid between a Right in Rem and a financial investment. The generation of these rights implies intervening agents, charges, rights and obligations.
Depending on the applicant, VALTECSA values all assets which generates Rights in Rem, as well as the rights themselves, bearing in mind that those considerations affect concessionaires, superficiaries and owners of Rights in Rem, as well as the asset owners and assignors of it.
In addition to valuation, our services also include the analysis of different generating formulas of Rights in Rem, such as the determination of fees, profitability conditions for parties and instalments, as well as the establishment of scenarios in the development of its exercise (transfer analysis, procedures linked to structural modifications, measurement of variable parameters, etc.).
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